We are the Earth!

This is something I wrote down years ago after a (shamanic) journey, when I for the first time, realized that my body was the earth walking around! In that journey, a large grizzly she-bear took me through a forest, until we came to the edge of an impossibly high cliff, which looked out onto a vast expanse of more endless forest. The message that the she-bear gave me was that we are the caretakers of the earth, and I can remember sobbing and sobbing, (as I felt really sad about how this is going). It still brings a tear to my eyes to think of it now. Like many of you, I have a deep love for the earth, that seems to be an inherent part of my being, and came from I don't know where.
But we and the earth are intimately connected - she has given us the privilege of being made out of her actual physical being. Also then what we do whilst in her physical body, also intimately affects her and her well-being. Now from what I understand from the insights and information I have received over the years, (as well as one time actually experiencing looking out through the earth's eyes, and seeing her vision was very cosmically orientated!) the earth is already an ascended being. She doesn't need us to 'heal her'. However, for our own development, we need to take responsibility for the energetic 'refuse' that is cluttering up the ley lines and other places on the earth, and get on with sorting it out! This is because it is our (meaning humanity's) own energetic waste that is vibrationally lowering what would otherwise be a much more pleasant earth. As a species, humanity collectively has not been in right relationship with the earth, or with each other, or with ourselves, for a very long time (that is not to say that this true of everyone, or of every culture.) But it has been an eon of time that 'collectively' we have been out of alignment with the divine! All of the 'not in right relationship' in our thinking and behaviour and feelings has created alot of what I call 'eeurgh' energy. If you're energy sensitive like me, 'eeurgh' energy is energy that doesn't feel great, is not uplifting or enlightening, and actually just brings us and everything else around us, down.
And this 'eeurgh' energy doesn't clear itself up. The natural elements like wind, water, and sun naturally clear a certain amount, but it can only do so much without a conscious joining from us. The earth's energies flow around the earth very much like our own body's systems of blood, and lymphatic fluids - attempting to keep things clean, or taking the nutrients where they are needed. And the earth energies flow along 'tracks', which are often called ley lines, or song lines. In places where blockages happen (sometimes caused by a traumatic or 'evil' event of some sort), the harder it is for the energy to flow smoothly, and the more that detritus and debris build up, forming 'toxic energy waste'. I have experienced that 'power places' often have a part of them where this is occurring, precisely because so much energy pours through them, 'negative'** energy gets amplified. Because so much energy is being run through the system in power places, that means there is more possibility for negative energy to build up, for example, you could liken this to a place where water was pouring through at 1000 liters per second; if just .01 percent of this water was polluted, and those toxins were building up in this one place, for example in porous rock, then very soon those rocks would become toxic, simply because of the sheer amount of volume of water that was being passed through each day.
Also as many of us have experienced in our energy work, like energy attracts like energy. For example, a battle happens one place, and 'negative' energy builds up there or in a power place close by. Other energies come along and get stuck (even lost souls that have passed). The negative power of the place builds, and 'dark' entities get attracted because they rather like this sort of vibration, and so it goes on. This is an extreme example, but many of us are aware of places around the neighbourhoods where we live, where some energies are better than others, and this is why. Angels and 'higher vibration' entities (for example, each town and area has it's own angel that gives that place a distinct energy) are able to exist in places where the vibration is sympathetic towards them, and in the same way, this then 'boosts' the vibrational level of the whole area.

So.... this is a big clean up job that needs doing make no mistake, but we shouldn't let this put us off from starting. This believe it or not, is our chance to shine!! We are coming into our mastery, and this is part of our opportunity to develop our 'earth engineering' skills that many of us have already present energetically in our auras from past lives in Lemuria and Atlantis where we did this work. (you can read more about that here https://sarayei.blogspot.com/2019/02/earth-ascension-grids.html) The elemental devas and nature spirits can read these energy signatures in our auras and often have a bit of a chuckle at us that we can't see something about ourselves that is obvious to them, (of course, they would actually be much happier if we did wake up to the fact that we have these abilities because then we can start getting on with working with them, and the whole situation could improve alot quicker!!)
Saying all of that - it is still alot to face. I personally have found that working in the Northern tradition of Seidr (Nordic shamanism/witchcraft), has finally given me the support and strength I need to go 'all out' with this work (and by that I mean being able to embrace it fully). Through Seidr, I am learning how to connect with the power and strength of the ancestors and of the runes, all of whom are very keen for us to wake up to our abilities and our responsibilities! We are all much more powerful than we realise, and more and more tools are going to be coming to us once we wake up collectively to the fact that we have to sort the land out energetically. But as we 'step up' to do this work, so the support that we receive from the spiritual realms also 'steps up', and suddenly we will find that we have far more help at hand than we realized!

All of the pollution, all of the toxic waste that exists physically on the earth - even if we cleaned it all up tomorrow - all of that physical pollution would all come back sooner or later -  because first of all we have to clean up the energy. The physical dimension is informed and shaped from what exists in the etheric. Once the energy in the etheric dimension starts to improve (because of the clearing work we are doing/are going to do), then the solutions to environmental waste, sustainable energy and so on, will flow in.

Now many of us have spent years working on our 'stuff', through multitudes of therapeutic interventions that have come into creation in the last decades. Me myself, I have been the recipient of (as well as training in quite a few of these!) psychoanalysis, psychosynthesis, counselling, drug and alcohol counselling, EFT, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy, sound healing, colour healing, past life healing, healing from the Ascended Masters, angels, Goddesses, shamanic healing, soul retrieval, healing from the earth and so the list goes on.
We have radically altered our energetic structure through all of the healing work we have done. (Imagine what the 'before' and 'after' photographs would look like if we could see them, lol.) And although many times we moan that this work is 'never done', I would like to suggest that many of us have actually reached a point now where we have achieved a certain critical amount of 'energy body integrity', and are ready to go onto some of the 'grittier' stuff. By this I mean working with the collective unconsciousness of humanity, and the work I have been describing above of 'cleaning up' the earth. (these are two separate areas of speciality, but are both part of the 'clean up' work.)

Yes, I believe we are moving into a time of 'ascension', (for me this means a raising of vibration on the earth and amongst humanity, but has more of a 'integrating heaven into earth' feel, rather than a trying to 'get the hell away from here'!) You can read more about the work I've done with Ascended Master Sarah on starting to create 'ascension grids' for ourselves here https://sarayei.blogspot.com/2019/02/earth-ascension-grids.html) - but first and foremost it is a time for us to 'clean up' what has been left behind. This clean-up work is a job for us to do 'in community' together in groups, and not as individuals. There is a safety issue here for me (think of one person trying to clean up an oil spill compared to a hundred strong team.) Secondly, there is the factor that when we work together, our light exponentially increases, (this is great on two counts, 1. it is really beautiful to experience, and 2. we are much more effective!) Thirdly, it is a chance for us to come into community with each other, and this is a healing gift for us, whether we do it on-line or physically, as being in community is something that most of do not get nearly enough of, and being in community together with like-minded individuals for a greater purpose than ourselves is just so soul satisfyingly wonderful!!
I know that there are people who have been doing earth healing work for a long time, and I'm not dismissing the value of the work that they have done - but what I am talking about now, is that I have the sense of a movement which is coming into being, where it becomes the 'norm' for those of us who are more metaphysically inclined, to work with earth clearing/healing, rather than leaving it to the odd few.... And although it is fantastic when we can come together at a physical location, (and we should still strive to make these meetings when we can,) but the internet and social media have given us a new capacity to work collectively from our own homes, which means we can start to do this work in our thousands!!!!!
When I started doing earth healing work, as opposed to working with individual clients, I was a little staggered by 'the size' of the work. (I think this is also because of the depth and detail that this work is needing to be done to now, but that is another subject for another time.)
I have been shown a picture of many many different points of light where this 'ascension clearing' work will happen/ is happening, adding up to a multitude of light upon the map, and the natural ending point of that process is that all the dots of light will join up and light up the world.
Today I went to the fjord where I live, and returned some fjord water (which I collected yesterday and had 'treated' with Ascended Master Sarah's clearing and Ascension Grid process). As I poured the water into the fjord,  I saw the flash of that dot of light, which instantaneously spread out like a sheet of light. It was very beautiful.
I hope these words have inspired you - perhaps with your own ideas and thoughts about the energetic environmental work you would like to do, but also I'd like to invite you to join us, either live on facebook (or watch the recording afterwards) or the same on youtube

**In writing this, I dislike using words such as positive or negative, light or dark because they carry moral judgements and all sorts of baggage with them, but unfortunately as my first language is English, and not 'light' language (see there it is again, lol!) I have to make do with the limitations that I have, and hope that the overall feel/ energy of what I'm writing portrays something of the 'oneness' that Sarah teaches! If you'd like to know a bit more about Sarah's therapeutic approaches, you can read this blog here https://sarayei.blogspot.com/2019/03/sarahs-violet-flame-how-to-live-5th.html

Learn more about Ascended Master Sarah at this free class https://www.learnitlive.com/invite/class/12881/Why-Ascended-Master-Sarah-now
You can be attuned to and learn how to use Sarah's violet flame at Rachel's learnitlive class here https://www.learnitlive.com/invite/class/12851/Ascended-Master-Sarahs-Violet-Flame-Shifting-from-3D-to-5D
You have the opportunity to join Sarah's order of the violet robe through this initiation https://www.learnitlive.com/invite/class/12998/Sarah-s-Order-of-the-Violet-Robe
And to learn how to create your own Ascension Grid around your own home access this class here https://www.learnitlive.com/invite/class/13080/Growing-your-own-Ascension-grid

I will post all of the Earth Ascension Clearing sessions at https://www.facebook.com/earthascensionclearing
and you will also find the videos on this youtube playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWkPT7Qj2V_lVI1P3Sg6b7kM2f5eNHviG

If you would like to connect more with Sarah's work, come over to our Patreon site for more information about her and her teachings & channelings https://www.patreon.com/rachelgoodwin

© Rachel Goodwin 2020
You are free to copy, distribute and display the material presented here, as long as you give the author credit, & do not alter the work in any way without permission from the copyright holder
For more info go to www.rachelgoodwin.dk


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