The Order of the Blue Rose | Did You Know About This?!

The Lineage of the Blue Rose is an ancient and cosmic Divine Feminine order that is deeply rooted into the Ascended Gaia and connects up into the highest heavens and stars!! Some say the Order of the Blue Rose was founded by Mother Mary, others by Mary Magdalene – but in truth, the origins of this Order are from the beginning of time itself – seeded by the Divine to make sure Humankind never completely lost its way…

It seems like such a long time ago now that this all happened to me, but in actuality, it’s only a few years ago!!

It was during COVID, and I’d been working all day. Something happened to me when all that started, and I saw that this was the time to really get my work out there… Up until then, I’d thought ‘well, I’m not sure people are really interested in what I’m doing, or really care..’ but then COVID happened, and a switch went on inside me and I thought ‘Now is the time, this stuff really matters!’ I felt a stream of Divine White Light coming in from the galaxy, and it was really like my whole brain was lit up 24/7. I had alot of trouble sleeping during that time, and not just because of what was going on around us, but because internally, I couldn’t stop that stream of white light….It was there and I couldn’t stop ‘seeing’ it…

So that evening, I’d been busy all day, and realised I hadn’t yet set a foot outside the door. So I left Thomas making the dinner, and went off for a walk. It must have been the darker part of the year, because the stars were already out. I guess it was about 6p.m, and I was walking along happily enjoying the feeling of being out at night, and as I walked out of the park, the alley way framed Venus perfectly. She hung there like a jewel, perfectly still and radiantly alive, just beaming at me. I walked across the road, to a bigger park that has ponds dotted around, and weaved my way around, breathing in the fresh night air.. 

It seemed like every time I turned a corner there was Venus again, she was totally capturing my attention! Finally I just had to stand and let myself breathe her in in her entirety, I wanted nothing more than just to be held within the embrace of Venus’s loving energy! I found a place slightly off the path, next to one of the ponds (which are full of running spring water!) and back against the trees. I was standing on top of some old cobbled stones, that normally had a bench on them. It had been removed, probably to be replaced but had been missing for some time now, as all the Park employees had been on furlough for months and months. I ate her up with my eyes, transfixed to the spot for some time. I could feel Venus’s energy coursing through me, through every part of my being, and going down into the earth. It was beautiful, and amazing, and very otherworldly!! At some point, the stream of energy lessened, and I came back to myself. It’s probably time I got back home and had dinner, I thought to myself, and went on my way! 

I didn’t think any more about it for some time, except the next time I walked part that exact spot, something about it called my attention! I get that sometimes. It’s as if some part of my brain is seeing something, and I find myself glued to looking at a particular spot, even though I can’t actually see anything there at all. These are energy points, portals, gateways, and I am just compelled towards them! If I can I go stand on them, if that’s not possible, I tune into them and see what I get. Sometimes, I take a photo and work from that.

It’s a while ago now, so I can’t remember so much what I did next, I think I ignored it for a while. It seemed a bit much to think that there was now something energetically active at the spot where I’d been standing. I knew there was nothing there beforehand as it was a place where I’d sat, and I would have noticed!

The bench reappeared at some point, and now I could go and sit there, without looking like I was lurking strangely in the park! Yep, something had permanently opened up here, and I had the realisation that the stones I’d been standing on (and were now underneath the bench) had anchored and grounded the connection. Wow! That was really something!!!

A year went by, I know the energy was there, but was a bit bemused as to why! Then I interviewed Mary Tobin for the podcast I have, Sacred You. Mary has such a lovely energy and channels Mary Magdalene. When I was looking into the work she does, as I always do when I’m going to interview someone, I came across a channeling she’d done about the Blue Rose. Straightaway I recognised the energy coming from the channeling was the same as the one in the stones across the road!!! I couldn’t believe it! By this time, I had made a vibrational essence from it (I do this with all the sacred places that I work with), and sent a bottle of that to Mary so she could experience it as well! I had a Blue Rose portal opened up across the road from where I live, how wild is that!!! I tried to find out more about the Blue Rose (also called the Order of the Blue Rose, or the Lineage of the Blue Rose) but I couldn’t find out very much. 

The next year, I started getting the urge to go and sit on that bench! I do remember feeling a bit of resistance, but I couldn’t stop myself. Every day during the week, I’d find myself creeping across the road to go and sit there, even if it was just for 10 minutes… Then I started getting messages about teaching a course on it! Me! How was I going to do that when I knew NOTHING about the Blue Rose! Channel it, they said!! 

So I did! (I make this process sound easy, but actually there was alot of arguing, and me saying it was ridiculous and too much work and I couldn’t manage it, and all the rest.) But in the end my curiosity got the better of me!! I wanted to know what the Blue Rose were doing here, what they wanted, what they’d come to do…. They get mentioned in a lot of places, but no-one says very much concrete about them.. I wanted to know more!!

I taught the first course in the first half of 2023, and then again in the second half of 2023. It’s become a 6 month training now, and I’m really looking forward to teaching it again! Each time we do the work together, there’s a deepening, an anchoring, and more information comes through...

The Lineage of the Blue Rose is incredible to work with. They are tangibly with you. A huge circle of support! If you’re like me and others who have joined the training, you’ve felt isolated and alone.. Like nobody really ‘gets you’. In the group lives, we witness each other, and understand…. We are woven into the Lineage, and become part of the whole. There are so many benefits to this, it’s an amazing container as well as strengthening the integrity of your energy body. Since I started this work, I’ve found it so much easier not to be dragged into the ‘madness of this world’. My spiritual sight/senses are so much clearer and my heart, so much lighter!!

I’m really looking forward to being able to write and share more about the Blue Rose Lineage. It’s such a privilege to be be able to share in this emerging work…

The Blue Rose energies are an Ancient Order being re-birthed for the times that we are in now. Sarah, daughter of the Magdalene, who I work with and channel is the Keeper of the Blue Rose Flame. She represents the next generation who are coming in now to carry on and continue this work. We are ALL needed, and are being called into action!! If you feel called, spread the word, let people know about them. They are here to work with us, to lighten our load, to share in our mission and soul purpose!! Not least, they are here to teach us to remember our Sacred Sovereignty and become aligned once again to the Starry Skies above and the Ascended Gaia below!!

Some of the teachings coming through so far are:

Isis: The Night Sky

Venus Aphrodite: filling yourself up with Love!

Blue Rose: ‘Speaking Out’ Your Dreams

Sophia: teachings from the Starry Skies

Sarah: Communing with the Magic of Nature

Morgan le Fay: The Garden of Eden Matrix in Avalon!!

Joan of Arc: Protection and Support in the Blue Rose Lineage

Yeshua: The Solar Logos, and building a loving space for the Divine Masculine

This time round Yemoja is coming through strong (she's in the first pic at the top!) Can't wait to hear what she has to say!!

Rachel Goodwin is a channel for Ascended Master Sarah, daughter of the Magdalene, and the Blue Rose Lineage, and creates an energy portal for other people to step into their True Selves and their True Beingness! 

You can read more about the work that we do at


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