Taking flight into the 5th dimension!
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Hawaiian Oracle - Rima Morrell |
As the first few days of the last week went by, it felt like there should be another week added into the group, with this one just called 'processing' (there was so much going on energetically behind the scenes!) and perhaps the exercises should be 'DO NOTHING! Lie around on your bed, and stare vacantly at the ceiling - or possibly at the sky out of the window.'
But scheduling being what it is, and the space allotted for me to do the course being 3 weeks, I had to get on with it! The first few days though were devoted to exercises where we practiced being in our heart centres. It felt so necessary to be in that 'centre' space; neither up nor down. we had been in such an incredibly high and expanded space working with Sarah's Ashram, and now we were back 'down' on earth, and all of the 'stuff' that was in the way between us and the Ashram (by this I mean vibrationally what is held within as a block to reaching that high and expanded state, ie our own personal issues), were now showing themselves even more densely for many of us.
But isn't this how it is with healing processes? One becomes full of light, only to find that the light releases our 'darkness' to us (our pain, difficulties and wounds). Then we get the much more mundane job of sifting through the sand of our pain and difficulties, looking for what needs healing, what we need to let go of, what we need to learn from, what new ways of being we need to take on.
Oh yes, these things take time!!
But I realised that what I needed to do was to provide a framework for the last week, that included the exercises and rituals that would 'provoke' the work that needed doing, and that the processes would take as long as they needed to take.... And that that was OK.
When I run these 3 week email courses, I am also doing the course myself, so that the process is 'coming through' me - I suppose you could say that the course is channeled, because it's not me making up the process or the exercises. I 'open up' to what needs to come through on that day, and then that's what we do! Now, with online platforms such as Thinkific, https://rachels-school-df9d.thinkific.com/ I have the opportunity to upload all the videos and audio and written instructions and turn it into an online course, so that those who find the course later can also join in and go through the same process! Also because I get feedback from the course participants, I can 'tweak' the course/ process as needed, so that the course participants get benefit from improvements and additions that have been made.
But (going back to what was happening in week 3) I had known all along, that this week was all about, 'OK, now what do we do with this!' But I was slightly taken aback by the intensity of the processing that was needed.... to go from these high energies of Sarah's Ashram, and then bring them back to earth, was some task, but luckily for us we had Sarah to call on! This is what she is an expert in - integration! She provided the framework and structure energetically for us to do this in!!
And that's what we needed to do, bring it all together, which we did using a collage. This is actually so much more fun than it sounds, especially when you're working with energies like this, because by putting things together on a collage that represent those energies, you can 'see' them all together, and that is so UPLIFTING! I am no artist, but I can make a collage with cut out pictures, words, colours, and yes, I am a self-confessed glitter glue lover, lol!! But don't underestimate the power of the collage!! I learnt to use collages as a powerful tool for transformation from Denise Linn. Once the collage is made, you should put it somewhere in your home, where it will 'beam' it's energy to you, helping you to 'take in' and 'absorb' the power held within, so that those energies 'become' part of you. My collage is in my bedroom. I tried to find somewhere else, in case the energies were too strong for sleep, but I couldn't find anywhere that felt right, so I relented. (also I have a noticeboard next to my bed, exactly for the purpose of pinning things on there, so I can 'absorb' them while I sleep!)
I'm going to write one more blog from the course - because there is the little loose end of what has come out of the course for me, and that needs to be tied up before I finish! Until then!!
READ WEEK ONE HERE https://sarayei.blogspot.com/2019/01/amazing-things-are-happening.html
READ WEEK TWO HERE https://sarayei.blogspot.com/2019/01/sarahs-ashram-in-pacific.html
If you would like to
connect more with Sarah's work, come over to our Patreon site for more
information about her and her teachings & channelings https://www.patreon.com/rachelgoodwin
You can also visit their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ascendedmastersarah/
Rachel Goodwin is a
channel & healer working with the Ascended Master Sarah, daughter of the
Magdalene & Master Jesus.
Sarah is an
ascended master guide for the Age of Aquarius and is working with the Earth and
humanity to assist us in our process of ascension. Rachel lives in Denmark
where she works with an Ascension grid in the sacred town of Roskilde. For more info go
to www.rachelgoodwin.dk
© Rachel Goodwin 2020
You are free to copy, distribute and display the
material presented here, as long as you give the author credit, & do not
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