Sarah channeling on the human race!
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Photo by Annelie Birthe Andersen |
Sarah channeling Q&A 15/11/2019
Hi Sarah, we have some questions for you!
1. How are we doing? (as in the human race!)
Welcome, I am Sarah.
First, I would say something that I have said on occasions before, and that is that ‘the human race’ is a long term project! There is really something here about learning to have faith in the Divine, that the Divine actually knows what the Divine is doing!! I say this with a bit of a sense of humour, even though I know that the question is not coming from a place of lightness, but a place of worry and concern over the ‘state of things’, and a wish that things might be better.
Secondly, I would say that with a higher perspective, the process is one that cannot be rushed or hurried through. As healers, many of you are aware that when a healing process is triggered, many times the health of the patient becomes worse. This is because toxins can start to be released as part of the healing process, ‘negative’ (or you could see them as old/outworn) energy patterns start to be released and broken down. All of these things will look outwardly as if the patient’s health is becoming worse.
Also, this is a world of polarity. This is a fact, and not one that you can alter through healing meditation. In a world of polarity, everything has always to be in balance, the light and the dark. It is your task to learn how to come into mastery in regards to polarity. Not to be fooled by the appearance of things. And I say this because in a world where the light and the dark always need to be in balance, when the light increases, so does the darkness. You are the alchemists. You are the ones who must weave these two things together, inside of yourselves, and come into unity consciousness, come into oneness.
Where you find hate, you must learn how to bring in love. Where there is confusion, you must learn how to stay in a state of clarity. Oh yes, these things are not easy! But you did not come here to this earth, in this lifetime, to have it easy!! You came to learn!! And now you have the opportunity! So how is the human race doing?! The human race is learning that hate only produces hate, and so some of you are learning otherwise, some of you are learning how to love in the face of hate.
Meanwhile in the background, many other things are happening. Your light bodies are shifting and changing - even the earths light body is shifting and changing. A huge wave of change is occurring. It is too much for one person to encompass understanding about it all. Which is fine, because the Divine is able to encompass and understand everything that needs to be encompassed and understood!
Again, this is question of balance. What do you need to take responsibility for and where? You cannot take responsibility for everything. But the Divine can, and the Divines plan is always encompassing the totality of everything that needs to be healed, that needs to be brought back into oneness. The Divine plan exists inside of you, and each of you has your part to play. These are hidden within you - often as your secret desires and wishes. This is because they then carry the greatest soul learning. The hero always has to go on a great adventure and overcome challenges to retrieve the treasure to bring home. And so it is with your soul journey, you need to retrieve the treasure that is already within you, by living the great adventure that is your life, listening to your soul urges/ your hidden wishes and desires, and overcoming the challenges – which are all of those things that would stop you from reaching the grail. These challenges are your old/outworn patterns that need to be released.
You see what alchemists you all are?! How this life is one big pot of alchemy for you to create from!!
But the point I would really make here, is that each person needs to tend to their own garden. This really is the most successful route to things being ‘better’. Take care of what is in your own life, trust that where you are physically is where the Divine wants you to be. If it is in your ‘soul plan’ to be somewhere else, then you will be ‘put’ somewhere else! Where you are is always the place from where you can have the greatest influence, and where you can have the greatest effect from.
Really listen to your heart, and the urgings there. Work with your shadow, bring everything into balance that you can. But overall, trust that the Divine is the Divine, and knows what it is doing! (deep down inside, if you ask this question, you know that it is true, and that it can’t possibly be any other way!) In this case, that things are actually going to plan, if things look as if they have gone awry, you must assume that for now, you cannot know the whole plan, and that actually the course is still set for the healing of humanity, the healing of the earth, that this is actually what is happening, even though outward appearances may say otherwise. And at the same time, stay in tune for what responses may come from inside yourself, there may be something you need to do or say – as, of course, youare actually a piece of the divine plan, so keep your ears open for when it is youare needed to take some action!
The plan is, that everything is always coming back home to itSelf. In the end everything will come back into wholeness, and the world and everything in it will cease to exist. Everything in manifest creation is temporary, but the cycle of creation and destruction is endless, and there is never really any ‘getting there’ - the cycle of the Divine’s breath of breathing in and out is a perpetual one, and the movement is never ending.
Rather, learn to tune into the Divine, keep to your spiritual practices. Fill your day with things that bring more lightness to your physical body. Do the right exercise for you, or bless your food with light, or sing your mantras in the morning, or do whatever it is that fills your day with light and blessings. These things in themselves, create a greater awareness of Divine truth. Which is that we are all one.
It may not solve the outer conundrum, but it does means that you are contributing a beautiful vibration to the whole, that then others are able to benefit from.
I am Sarah, and I tell you that these are not easy things to learn, but they are worthwhile things. And I think if most of you take a snapshot of where you are in your life now, and where you were at the beginning, well, I think that most of you can admit, that you have learnt much, developed much, and contributed much, each in your own way – and do you think that the Divine would be disappointed in that – no, of course not, and neither should you be! These are challenging times, and you are each doing your individual best, given the life circumstances that you have been given!
I am Sarah, and my blessings are upon you, each and every moment of your life!
Blessed Be, Blessed Be, Blessed Be, Amen.
2. Has Sarah been working with us through the ages, and has her interaction with us changed (ie. in the way she communicates with us?)
In all honesty, the energy that I carry has been slumbering in regards to humanity in the collective unconscious. The divine masculine and the divine feminine as understood as coming together in the sacred marriage, was created as a powerful energy matrix, that was also anchored here on the earth (by the Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene.) The oneness that I represent (as an archetypal force), was planted here within that energy matrix as a seed. It was not the time for it to flourish then. When a great thing happens in the space time continuum, there are always echoes going backwards and forwards. This is because time actually exists in physical manifestation, and it exists as one whole piece of ‘material time’, all woven together as one fabric, one tapestry. Powerful events, which have happened during the course of earth’s and humanity’s evolution, are always sending off these echoes as powerful vibrations, through the tapestry where humanity is living and existing. My time**, (which is coming soon, and of which you are the forerunners or harbingers of, has also been ‘sending off’ a vibration, which has always been there for those sensitive enough to feel it. This has been present in the form of visions or dreams, but it also means that the energy that I represent has always been available for those capable of energetically holding it, whatever time or place that they live in (because they are able to reach through the mists of time to the place where my energy will be in manifestation.)
I am simply an aspect of the archetypal force that I represent, the archetypal force actually belongs to the Divine, of which you are a part, and which is always accessible to you if you have the capability. But we are coming to a time now, where it will be much easier to access this archetypal force, because outwardly it will be more available, and will be mirrored to you much more easily.
I am Sarah and these are the words which I wish to say today, Blessed be, Blessed be, Blessed be, Amen.
** by which Sarah means the time when her energy (the archetypal energy of oneness which she holds) is being held by the collective consciousness of humanity, and not just by her.
© Rachel Goodwin 2019
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