Sara la Kali

Years ago, when I had first 'discovered' Sarah, someone told me that Sarah (as the daughter of the Magdalene and the Master Jesus) was the patron saint of the Romani people. 'Really' I said, 'Is that really possible, they really believe that?' Feeling amazed that this apparent 'secret' (of Mary Magdalene and Jesus having a child) that had been hidden to the rest of us, was something so vital and powerful and sacred to the Romany gypsies, that she was their patron saint! And I was assured that this really was so, that they believed Sarah was the daughter of the Mary Magdalene and Jesus, and this is what the ceremony at St. Maries de la Mer is all about. (This is the town in France where there is a story that Mary Magdalene landed on their shores after fleeing Israel.) So every year, I try to write about it on the facebook page, because I think it's a lovely way to honour her.
Over the years, a couple of Romani women have written to me (after seeing the Ascended Master Sarah facebook page I've  made) to say that they appreciate seeing her being acknowledged and honoured in this way, which makes me think that this is true, otherwise I imagine they would be quite offended by me saying something untrue, such as 'Sarah is the daughter of Mary Magdalene and Jesus'.
Whatever 'the truth' is, I really love this story.
Many years ago in my twenties, I had a couple of years of psychosynthesis psychotherapy, and one of the more joyful themes that emerged in my meditations was of me being a Romany gypsy woman, and having a pretty good life full of joy and dance and a fierce passion for life! (There was also a very handsome gypsy man in these imaginings, of course, lol!) I don't know whether this is a past life, or a part of my psyche that relates to these feelings of ecstatic dance, but it doesn't matter so much to me anyway, they are a precious part of me, that I hold close.
Sarah has been very hidden, invisible even, definitely misunderstood - and for many people, if they were to be told about her, they would be derisory and possibly even insulting. So there are some familiar themes here with the history of the Romani, and how they have been treated. Also she is the 'Holy Family gone rogue'!. She doesn't fit in with the 'acceptable story', but is a misfit, a rebel, and even an outcast? Again these themes fit in with what we see with the gypsy people....
So, perhaps you know a story about this, or have been to the festival at St. Maries de la Mer? If so, please share in the comments below, our shared stories create a beautiful history.
This is an old blog that Paulo Coelho wrote about Sara La Kali that very nicely echoes some of the themes I talk about in this old channeling here I did in 2010
Wishing you a blessed St. Sarah's day!

Ascended Master Sarah channeled through Rachel Goodwin 11/06/10
I am Sarah.       
Sometimes I am called Sarah la Kali – ‘Sarah the Black’
This is rooted in myth and mystery and holds a key to the archetypal energy that I portray and which can be accessed through calling on me.
All that I am, and all that is, is part of Divinity’s creation.
There is nothing that is not of God.
All is God.
Each part of Divinity’s creation hold the key to the light, because God is light; transcendent, formless, uncreated.
I am that which is created here on earth, the darkness; primordial matter.
To reach the light of God, transcendent and formless, is to go through me, the darkness and manifest creation of form, matter and all being.
But where I am, God is.
In the form, is the formless and so I am the potential of union in all things, bright and dark, good and evil, all serve the purpose of divinity, all things are there to serve the purpose of reaching in to find the light, or to find the darkness, until light and dark are perfectly balanced.
And in that perfect balance comes the occurrence of union, and the transcendent power of God (which is neither light or dark but is all) is released in its full potential, made visible and accessible here in manifest creation, the splendour revealed.
Within yourselves, the union and balance of perfect light, perfect dark, are the conditions met for the sacred lotus of the heart to open, the Hrit Padma*, connecting you to your Divine spark; and so revealing the light of your Higher Selves, so that you can live here manifesting the light of God, your original Selves, fully upon the earth.
And so to those of you who continue to work with alchemizing your lives, I say hold all that you do sacred, honour yourselves and the journeys that you are on.
You are bringing in the light of the Divine with every effort to raise your vibration, with each attempt to live in your truth, and discover the light of the soul that is within you, and what you have come here to do.
Look for the sacred in all that you do, breathe into the sacred lotus of the heart, ask it to guide you, it is your inner Divinity, wrapped in the shrouds of darkness for now.
With each breath into this sacred space, your energy, and conscious awareness causes the sacred soul to reveal itself a little more, and does this by shedding the layers of fear and doubt, anger and betrayal, confusion and uncertainty; look into your lives and dedicate all that you do not feel is ‘of the light’ to your sacred journey and continue to work with these things, doing all you are inspired and guided to do.
All of these things are a shedding of the wrappings and coverings and will result in the spontaneous revelation of that which is at the heart of your being, your Divine Self.
And in the same way that it is possible for a labouring mother to guide herself to celebrate each contraction as being one step closer to reaching that of her heart’s desires, her beautiful child held within and to rejoice in it, so it is possible to celebrate and give thanks for the painful and difficult challenges which are present in your lives, because they are bringing you one step closer to God, which is your very Selves.
Each challenge you are presented with, all that is in your life that is not as you would wish, all of this is given to you by God, so that you can find the gifts hidden within; the gifts of love and truth, warmth and compassion, strength and joy and so finding the light by going through into darkness.
Praise Divinity for giving you these things, because this is how you are taken into the light!! Rejoice in your own difficulties, your own suffering, because it is showing you the way back home to yourSelves, showing you what needs to be shed, released, transmuted and transformed. Rejoice in the power of your own Alchemy, and give up expecting the difficulties not to be there, or that there is something wrong with you that they are there; everything is perfect exactly as it is. Hold the intent to give up all judgement, and just be with what is, ask it what it has come to teach you and let it reveal it’s perfect light.
Believe in yourSelves, that you have the power to be who you truly are.
See your goal there shining at the end of your pathway,
Do not waver, but hold it there with unrelenting intent.
It shall be so!!
Through the holding of perfect balance of light and dark, you have learnt your own power and what you can do; alchemists you are and the workings that you do reverberate across the earth, nothing is separate, all is intertwined. Just by being, just by doing, just by holding that intent, you are sharing the transcendent light of God, with all of humanity.
May blessings pour down upon you, each and every day of your lives.

 *the ‘hrit padma’, (the ‘lotus of the heart’ or ‘sacred heart’), is placed energetically in between the heart and solar plexus chakras.

If you like this channeling, and would to connect more with Sarah's work, come over to our Patreon site for more information about her and her teachings & channelings

Rachel Goodwin is a channel & healer working with the Ascended Master Sarah, daughter of the Magdalene & Master Jesus.
Sarah is an ascended master guide for the Age of Aquarius and is working with the Earth and humanity to assist us in our process of ascension. Rachel lives in Denmark where she works with an Ascension grid in the sacred town of Roskilde. For more info go to

© Rachel Goodwin 2020

You are free to copy, distribute and display the material presented here, as long as you give the author credit, & do not alter the work in any way without permission from the copyright holder


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