just what is unity consciousness anyway?!!!

Just what is unity consciousness and what does it mean?
This is something that I have wondered about, and how exactly it would show up in my everyday life. 

How would my life be different if I am in unity consciousness? 

I asked Sarah for a channeling to help understand what 2012 is going to be about and find out what she has to say, (the channeling is at the end of this blog)
When I did this channeling, I came to understand why we are being prepared for unity consciousness and why this needs to be one step at a time! 
At the moment, in our daily lives, we are able to separate out what we are able to be with, and what we are not able to; what we can't 'be with' gets stored in the subconscious.
The things we are able to accept in our lives are in our conscious mind & memory- we are fully aware of it. Those things/ events/ feelings which we are unable to accept (because they're too painful or difficult) are taken and placed in the unconscious mind, where they stay until we are ready to accept it, or it manifests in the body through illness. 
This very process itself is an unconscious one. 
We don't consciously decide to forget about something which has just happened to us. 
If you have had a violent or traumatic event happen to you, you may have experienced this first hand. 
Victims of rape or attack often experience memory loss, as the unconscious mind responds to the trauma by placing a hazy and sleeplike energy around the memory and takes it down into the chambers of the subconscious. 
This protects the victim from having to suffer the pain of the experience. (but also places it 'on hold' and prevents it from healing)
The split between the conscious and the subconscious, of dividing into two, can be seen as a manifestation of the polarity of the physical world we live in.
As we move towards unity consciousness, all that has been held in our own personal subconscious, and also the collective unconscious (that which our collective minds have chosen to not to have an awareness of) is starting to be released.
So we see that which has been hidden, now comes out into the open.
Pain which has before been unacknowledged refuses to stay quiet and erupts into the public arena.
Sarah's very presence surrounds us in levels of unity consciousness that we have never experienced before.
Therefore that which has been hidden away comes into the light, but also that which we have been unaware of, such as our own divine qualities also come forward and surprise us. 
We discover within us, Divine love, Divine joy, Divine abundance, all of these inherent qualities which are part of our true selves.
But to stay in Sarah's presence then, is the best of times and the worst of times, to our own initial polarity consciousness thinking. To see our own darkness in Sarah's presence is also to discover our own light, but both must be experienced and held at the same time. No mean feat!
And this is why unity consciousness will not be suddenly thrust upon us!
How many of us have nothing lurking, hidden or repressed in the depths of our subconscious mind?
And that is before considering all the hidden pain and trauma that has also emerged with us through our ancestral lines!!
When we are fully in unity consciousness there will be no separation.
This also means that we will be fully aware of our divine selves.
If right now we were suddenly to become fully conscious of all that is within our subconscious and completely aware of our own divinity, I think many peoples heads would explode!!
However if we discover these things one step at a time, and along with them, discover our own divine qualities and power, also one step at a time, we will not become overwhelmed, but can integrate well all that we are being taught and given, and weave these changes into our very being, becoming into oneness!! 
In the courses that I do, I have come upon many many people who are actively engaged in this process of oneness, and have been amazed and grateful to see just how far along others are on this road.
Sarah's work is to orchestrate this process and allow it to flow smoothly, her presence removing the blocks to integration (which isn't quite true, her presence brings everything into oneness, then in the sessions and work I facilitate, my job is to help the mind understand that this has happened, which brings the change down through all the realms into the physical, and so the 'healing' occurs)

Channelling 05/01/12

Welcome, I am Sarah.
This is a time where you are preparing to come into the light.
This year is a time of preparation.

Prepare yourselves by looking within and finding out what is there.
Don't go searching about for what you want to find, but be real, be truthful, look to see what is there, and be with it,

Look into your hearts – what do you feel?
Look into your minds – what thoughts are there?
Look at your daily life – what do you notice?

Be with all of these things, notice them daily, write them down, allow it all to be there.

Don't make yourself wrong for anything that is, you are not wrong for your difficulties.

These are what you have inherited, it is the big soup of the collective consciousness you have been born into and each of you has been given your own ancestral line that is your life's clay to work with.

And how do you know what to work with?

Listen to your heart – what do you feel?
Listen to your thoughts – what do you hear?
Listen to everything that is going on in your daily life – what is being said to you, what you say.

Become conscious and awake and be objective to what you become aware of; these are the things which you have come to transform.

Everything you need to work with in preparation for the great cosmic shift is already here.
You don't have to go looking to find it, it is within you right now.

And also within you, is everything you need to transform it, not just for yourself, or for your ancestral line, but for the whole human race, and for the world.

Every piece of work that you do lifts the whole of creation!!

You have come to be here, to feel everything that you feel, to be with everything.

Don't turn your face away from anything in your life and say that it is negative.

Accept everything, bring it into the fold.

Once it is with you, (and un-separated) then what has been separated can come into oneness with your divinity.
The dark can join with the light, and the light can join with the dark.

Go into your darkness, go down into your despair, move towards the centre of your rage, but do this going in by taking down with you, your divine self; as the two become one (the light and the dark) so healing can occur and you move into unity consciousness.

As we move into the Age of Aquarius, so will we move into unity consciousness.

This means being with everything that is inside us.
Our joy and our pain. Our patience and and our frustration. Our sadness and our serenity.

Everything that we are comes from the Divine Source.
It is only when we separate them out from ourselves, and refuse to accept them, that we lose our at-one-ness, and humanity at present is so split and separated out, that it has a thought form that holds this pattern of behaviour, and it seems 'normal' to everyone.

But there is another way, of 'being' with everything that you are, with 'accepting' all that you feel, with 'allowing' it all to be there.

No self-condemnation that it is so, no 'right' or 'wrong' that it is so, no 'failure' not to stay in positive thoughts.

In this state of acceptance, it is possible always to have access to your divine self, reaching into the deepest part of your being, the centre of yourself.

If you are despondent, you can reach in and find the love & care inside yourself that is needed to lift yourself out. Take these two things together, the despondency and the care, and you are 'love in action'. You are 'doing' love (and so being the divine made manifest)
If you find yourself angry, accept that this is so, and reach in and gently discover what pain has caused this hurt in you, what needs do you need to be met in order to be comforted? Again, take these two together, the suffering of anger and the action of taking responsibility for yourself, in order to find out why (this is using your divine power), and again you are the divine made manifest upon the earth.

All is well, all is well, all is well.

Everything is well in your life just the way it is.

Nothing has gone wrong that it is so, there have been no divine mistakes, no falls from grace.

All you need for your truest hearts desires is at your fingertips.

It is simply a matter of finding out that it is so, one step at a time.

And you are moving towards this place, of finding that all that you need is already within you, and you are doing it one step at a time.

This is how we move here on the earth plane, first one step then another, then another, then another.

At the hundredth step you are somewhere that would have surprised you at the first, and at the thousandth you are somewhere unbelievable!!

Call on me, I will be there.

I have come to assist you in your work.

I am a catalyst that enables you to find the divine within you; my energy is that of unity consciousness, and so as you can discover your Divinity more easily within my presence, so you can also discover that which you have shut away, your darkness; and as the two are brought together, the dark and the light, in love and healing, so you can more readily feel the presence of your own Divinity, your own Divine Spark, and can see it in the world, even though you may see things that are difficult there, you will be able to understand that the Divine's perfect plan is built upon a rock, and all of those things which you have considered to be 'dark' or 'wrong' and not part of the Divine plan, well, you will discover that this is not so at all, and you will discover this by finding that when you are able to go into that which is dark within you, and are able to bring your own divinity to it, then you are taken on a journey of such sweetness, and love, and wholeness, power and strength, that you understand that there is no wound so great in the whole of the universe that it cannot be healed by the love of the Divine Mother, and really there is nothing to be feared of ever again, there is no need to despair of the darkness in the world, the only difficulty is separation. Embrace the darkness, bring your light to it, be love in action. All is well, all is well, all is well.
Blessed Be, Sarah.

If you like this channeling, and would to connect more with Sarah's work, come over to our Patreon site for more information about her and her teachings & channelings https://www.patreon.com/rachelgoodwin

© Rachel Goodwin 2020
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